Communities of Practice

Community of Practice Program Ministry Groups in Northwest Ohio Association.

Isolation and lock of support are realities of pastoral ministry. Pastors may become stagnant, going through the motions without fresh ideas and new energy. The Community of Practice program is designed to respond to these challenges. Groups incorporate a mix of mutual support, exchange of ideas and best practices, and opportunities to grow in ministry.

The program, formerly known as “Excellence in Ministry,” was started in 2003 by Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ. It was first introduced in the Northwest Ohio Association  in 2014. Over the years it has amassed a proven history of strengthening and sustaining pastoral leaders for a life time of creative and effective service to the church. 

NWOA participants have recently commented:

  • “We cannot be lone rangers. All clergy should be in a Community of Practice. They are great opportunities for fellowship and growth.”
  • “I would recommend communities of practice to any clergy. They are a helpful way to connect and not feel so isolated when dealing with day to day and broader issues which crop up in churches and ministry.”

Each group is led by a trained facilitator. Some groups meet in person while others are online only. Many use a mix of both, depending upon season and schedules of group members. Although each group sets its own schedule and agenda, they typically gather for two or three hours each month from September through May. A $250 participation fee ($150 for first time participants) covers the cost of the program. Churches and institutions are encouraged to pay this and include this expense in their call agreements and budgets. The fee may be reduced or waived in cases of need (contact Association Minister). 

All pastors, chaplains, and members in discernment are invited to participate. A PDF with additional information and an enrollment form is available on the NWOA website. Email sign up sheets to or send by postal mail to NWOA, 416 Wentz Street, Tiffin, OH 44883.

Funding for this grant will come from the NWOA Disaster Gifts Fund given by many Northwest Ohio Association Churches during any given time.
Return application to:
Northwest Ohio Association
Heartland Conference, UCC
416 Wentz Street
Tiffin, OH 44883
*Please provide a written letter from the Local Church Leaders stating information you think is relevant to your request and will make your application stronger.
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