Disaster Response Kits

Many Disaster Response Kits have flowed through the door of the Association Office in order to be housed for the next disaster. Thank you… thank you….. thank you…. to all the NWOA Local Churches who have created those Disaster Buckets and Personal Care Kits. You have no idea how well this is received at a moment’s notice during a disaster.

For those churches who may be thinking about creating Disaster Kits, the Northwest Ohio Association, UCC (NWOA) partnered with Church World Service (CWS) and collect CWS clean up buckets and hygiene kits. Please follow the list provided below because contents have changed. 

CWS offers designed depot drop-offs. At this time,  NWOA is a designated drop-off point. The kits will be gathered at NWOA office waiting for the CWS truck for pick-up. 

If delivering kits to NWOA, please plan to deliver kits during the week, Monday thru Friday from 9 am to 3 pm. Calling the office will assure the office is open and ready for your delivery. 419-447-8323 

NWOA Office, 416 Wentz Street, Tiffin, OH 44883.

Request cash donations, purchase quantities of each item and hold a “kit assembly party”.

Questions - Call the Association 419-447-8323

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