58th NWOA Annual Meeting
To Members and Friends of the Northwest Ohio Association – Celebrate Being the Church Together
Join in worship, meet ordination candidates, elect those who will provide leadership in the Association, vote on the NWOA Mission Spending Plan for 2022, celebrate the ministries we share together.
Who Should Attend: All Folk wanting to celebrate as the Body of Christ and those interested in the future of the Association. There is business that requires official voting. All authorized ministers (ordained, commissioned and licensed) active and retired in full standing in the Northwest Ohio Association, are voting delegates and welcomed to attend. In addition, each UCC church is entitled to the following number of voting lay delegates: Church Membership – Each Church * 2 Lay delegates; Membership 401- 800 * 3 Lay delegates; Membership 801-1200 * 4 Lay Delegates
All attending, please register online. Retired NWOA Authorized Ministers not serving a church and Members in Discernment not serving a church will be the guests of the Association, but must register.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Richanne Mankey, Defiance College President “Giving Our Best as Servants in a World of Uncertainty” There is no better place to reap the benefits of sowing seeds than on a college campus where students with raw potential and (un)realized academic skills apply grit and faith to face an uncertain world with grace and courage. At Defiance College, as in life, continual engagement about a vision and strategies to realize it as promotes holistic learning and adaptability to guide us forward. Engage. Explore. Energize.